This week, as we gather in worship, we are met with songs carefully chosen to reflect the themes of sacrifice, discipleship, and the boundless mercy of God. Each melody and lyric serves as a thread tying our worship experience together, drawing us closer to the heart of God.

View this week’s service. 

Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven

by Henry Francis Lyte

As we begin our service, the resounding notes of “Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven” fill the sanctuary, echoing the timeless exhortation of Psalm 103. With each stanza, we are invited to lift our voices in praise to the King of heaven, reflecting on the richness of God’s mercy and the depth of His love. Drawing inspiration from the Psalms, Henry Francis Lyte crafted a hymn that speaks to the core of our faith journey – our redemption, healing, and restoration through Christ.

Lyte’s words, “Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, evermore God’s praises sing,” remind us of the transformative power of God’s grace in our lives. We are reminded of the eternal nature of God’s reign and the unending praise due to Him.


by Hillsong

Rooted in the foundational truth of Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of our faith, “Cornerstone” by Hillsong declares our unwavering trust in God’s faithfulness. Drawing from Mark 8:34-35, this anthem calls us to embrace the cross and follow Christ with steadfast determination. As we sing, “Christ alone, cornerstone, weak made strong in the Savior’s love,” we affirm our commitment to build our lives upon the unshakeable foundation of Jesus Christ.

In a world filled with uncertainty and shifting sands, “Cornerstone” reminds us of the unchanging nature of God’s love and the security we find in Him. With hearts full of gratitude and reverence, we declare our allegiance to Christ, our firm foundation and source of hope.

Lead Me to the Cross

by Hillsong

As we come to the offertory portion of our service, the poignant strains of “Lead Me to the Cross” lead us to the foot of Calvary, where we encounter Christ’s sacrificial love. Through its stirring lyrics, we are invited to reflect on Jesus’s profound sacrifice for us, willingly laying down His life to redeem humanity. As we offer our gifts and ourselves to God, we surrender to His will, echoing the sentiments of Mark 8:34.

With hearts humbled by the magnitude of Christ’s love, we present our offerings as tokens of gratitude and devotion. May our sacrificial giving reflect the boundless generosity of our Savior, who gave everything for us.

There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy 

by Frederick Faber

In the moments of reflection and prayer, “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” by Frederick Faber envelops us in the comforting embrace of God’s unfathomable grace. Born out of Faber’s deep spiritual journey, this hymn captures the essence of God’s boundless love and compassion. The hymn’s poetic imagery and profound theology remind us that God’s mercy knows no bounds and His kindness extends to all.

Grounded in the assurance of God’s compassionate justice, we find solace and hope in His unfailing love. As we meditate on the words, “There’s a kindness in God’s justice, which is more than liberty,” we are invited to rest in the assurance of God’s faithfulness, knowing that His mercy triumphs over judgment.

Take Up Thy Cross 

by Charles Everest

As we close our worship service, the solemn strains of “Take Up Thy Cross” by Charles Everest serve as a poignant reminder of the call to discipleship. Drawing from the teachings of Jesus in Mark 8:34-35, Everest’s timeless words exhort us to take up our cross and follow Christ faithfully. Through our self-denial and obedience, we embrace the path of discipleship, trusting in God’s strength to sustain us along the way.

Each verse reminds us of the cost of discipleship and the radical call to surrender our lives to Christ. As we sing, “For only those who bear the cross may hope to wear the glorious crown,” we are challenged to count the cost and follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

In each of these songs, we find echoes of Scripture, offering us guidance, comfort, and inspiration as we journey together in worship. As we lift our voices and open our hearts to God, may we be transformed by His presence and renewed in our commitment to follow Him faithfully.

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