Join Us in Reinvigorating Court Street UMC!

We are thrilled to announce that we have chosen the faithful path of reinvigorating Court Street UMC! We are journeying to revitalize our church and deepen our commitment to serving God and our community.

We embrace a renewed sense of purpose and vision for our church, guided by prayer and discernment.

To all those who fervently prayed for us during this time of discernment, we offer our heartfelt thanks. Your prayers have been a source of strength and encouragement, sustaining us through moments of uncertainty and leading us toward clarity and conviction. We are grateful for your unwavering faithfulness and commitment to lifting our church community in prayer.

We also extend our deepest appreciation to all who participated in the discernment process, whether through attending meetings, sharing your insights and perspectives, or offering words of encouragement and support. Your willingness to engage in open dialogue and thoughtful reflection has been instrumental in shaping our collective discernment and discerning the path that God is calling us to follow.

As we embark on this journey of reinvigoration, we are reminded of the power of community and the strength that comes from walking together in faith. With God’s guidance and the support of one another, we are confident that we will continue to grow and thrive as a vibrant and faithful church community.

We Can’t Do It Alone

We need your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness as we embark on this exciting journey together. Your support and participation are invaluable as we seek to revitalize Court Street UMC and positively impact the lives of those around us.

So, how can you get involved?

  1. Pray:  Lift Court Street UMC, our congregation, and our community in prayer, asking for God’s guidance and blessing as we move forward. Let’s come together in prayer, seeking God’s wisdom and direction as we embark on this journey of renewal and revitalization. May our prayers be a source of strength and inspiration for our church family and community, inviting God’s presence to guide us every step.
  2. Be Present:  Join us for worship services, events, and activities as we gather in fellowship and worship. Your presence makes a difference as we worship, learn, and grow in our faith. Let’s build deeper connections with one another and experience the joy of community as we journey together in faith.
  3. Give:  Consider contributing your financial support to support the ministries and initiatives of Court Street UMC. Your generous giving enables us to continue our mission and ministry, reaching out to those in need and positively impacting our community. Regardless of size, every donation helps further God’s work in and through our church.
  4. Serve: Volunteer your time and talents to help with church activities, programs, and outreach efforts. There are many ways to get involved and make a difference, whether serving on a committee, assisting with events, or volunteering in our community outreach programs. Your unique gifts and abilities are valuable to our church family, and your service enriches our shared ministry.
  5. Witness: Share the good news of Court Street UMC with others and invite them to join us on this journey of faith and renewal. Let’s spread the word about the transformative work happening in our church and invite others to experience God’s love and grace in our midst.

Together, we can make a difference and create a vibrant, thriving community rooted in God’s love and grace. Let’s embrace this opportunity to reinvigorate Court Street UMC and continue spreading the light of Christ in our world.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our church. We look forward to walking this journey of faith together with each and every one of you.

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