This week’s sermon, “Confidence in Value,” focuses on the teachings of Matthew 10:24-31, where Jesus reassures His followers of their immense worth to God. It’s a fitting message for Father’s Day at Court Street UMC as we celebrate the value and influence of fathers and father figures.

Prelude: “There’s a Land that is Fairer by Day”

“There’s a Land that is Fairer by Day,” also known as “The Sweet By and By,” is a beloved hymn written by Sanford F. Bennett with music by Joseph P. Webster. Composed in 1868, this hymn speaks of heaven’s eternal hope and promise. The prelude sets a reflective tone, reminding us of the assurance and peace found in God’s eternal care, aligning with Matthew 10:28, where Jesus speaks about the soul’s infinite value.

Opening Hymn: “Faith of Our Fathers”

Faith of Our Fathers,” written by Frederick William Faber in 1849, is a hymn celebrating the enduring faith passed down through generations. The tune commonly associated with this hymn, “St. Catherine,” was adapted by James G. Walton. This hymn is particularly poignant for Father’s Day as it honors the legacy of faith instilled by our fathers. It echoes the call in Matthew 10:32-33 to confess our faith before others, just as our fathers did.

Song of Praise: “His Eye is on the Sparrow”

His Eye is on the Sparrow,” written by Civilla D. Martin and composed by Charles H. Gabriel in 1905, is a comforting hymn based on Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:29-31. The hymn reassures us of God’s attentive care, emphasizing that if God watches over the sparrow, He indeed watches over us. This song of praise ties directly into the focal scripture, reinforcing the theme of divine care and value.

Offertory: “Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us”

Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us” is a hymn attributed to Dorothy Ann Thrupp, published in 1836. The melody often used, “Bradbury,” was composed by William B. Bradbury. This hymn is a prayer for guidance and care from our Good Shepherd, reflecting the shepherd imagery found throughout scripture. It complements the message of being valued and cared for, as Jesus emphasizes in Matthew 10:30 that even the hairs of our head are numbered.

Hymn for Illumination: “Children of Our Heavenly Father”

Children of Our Heavenly Father,” written by Carolina Sandell-Berg in 1855, is a cherished Swedish hymn that speaks of God’s protective and nurturing love. The hymn’s melody, “Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara,” is a traditional Swedish folk tune. This hymn illuminates the sermon by underscoring our identity as cherished children of God, resonating with the assurance Jesus gives in Matthew 10:29-31.

Hymn of Dedication: “This is My Father’s World”

This is My Father’s World,” written by Maltbie D. Babcock in 1901, celebrates God’s creation and His sovereignty over it. The tune “Terra Beata” is a traditional English melody. This hymn serves as a potent reminder that we live in God’s world, and it is our duty to steward it faithfully. The dedication hymn ties back to the theme of value and trust in God’s care, as highlighted in Matthew 10:31.

Postlude: “Carillon”

“Carillon” is a musical piece often associated with ringing church bells. The term originates from the French word for a set of bells played either manually or mechanically. As a postlude, “Carillon” serves to send the congregation forth with a sense of joy and purpose, celebrating the message of the day and the steadfast faith of our fathers.


As we gather this Father’s Day, let us reflect on the profound assurance of our value in God’s eyes, as taught in Matthew 10:24-31. The hymns selected for this service enrich our worship and draw us closer to the heart of the gospel message. Through music and scripture, we are reminded of our worth, God’s unwavering care, and the legacy of faith passed down through generations.

Read more about our worship practices and the significance of lighting candles in our services in our recent blog post.

Join us this Sunday to celebrate and worship, finding strength in our shared faith and community.

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